Welcome to
Old Northwood

A West Palm Beach Historic Neighborhood

Historic Old Northwood, founded in 1921, offers residents a dynamic opportunity to live in a thriving urban area of West Palm Beach. The district is bounded by Broadway, North Dixie Highway (Poinsettia Ave.) and 26th and 35th Streets. It contains 320 historic buildings of varied architectural styles and vintages.

We work together to support, build and create a better community. We strive to promote a responsible civic and social community and create experiences that everyone can enjoy. We hope you will join us for our annual home tour and other events that Old Northwood offers.


Food Truck Fridays

March 14 | 5-8pm | ONW Clubhouse | 3510 Spruce Ave.

Get out of the kitchen … ONW has you covered with Food Trucks!

Start the weekend by meeting your neighbors and enjoying some Friday Night Vittles! There will be a cash bar with Thom Strauser as your bartender extrordinaire. Come join the fun.


Sale of the Century

Saturday | March 8 | 8:00am-2:00pm | Throughout Old Northwood

What’s Happening

  • This meeting will be held on the Monday evening prior to the last Saturday of every other month.
    (There will be an additional meeting of the Steering Committee one hour prior to the General Meeting 9am-10am).

    3510 Spruce Avenue

    April 21, 2025 | 7pm
    June 23, 2025 | 7pm
    August 25, 2025 | 7pm
    October 20, 2025 | 7pm
    December 22, 2025 | 7pm

    This meeting is open to all residents who wish to listen in on the proceedings. However, resident input is only upon request of the steering committee.

    *The ONW Steering Committee also meets on an “as needed” basis, typically before the scheduled General Meeting, and the Monday night prior to General Meetings.

  • This meeting will be held on the last Saturday of every other month.
    (There will also be a Steering Committee meeting held at 9am-10am prior to the General Meeting.)

    3510 Spruce Avenue

    April 26, 2025 | 10am-11am (Election)
    June 28, 2025 | 10am-11am
    August 30, 2025 | 10am-11am
    October 25, 2025 | 10am-11am
    December 27, 2025 | 10am-11am

    This meeting is open to all residents of Old Northwood.

    For watching remotely, please check the Zoom link on the Residents page.

  • ONW Clubhouse | 3510 Spruce Ave.

    March 14 | 5-8pm
    April 4 | 5-8
    May 2 | 5-8pm
    June 6 | 5-8pm
    August 1 | 5-8pm
    September 5 | 5-8pm
    October 3 | 5-8pm
    November 7 | 5-8pm

    Get out of the kitchen … ONW has you covered with Food Trucks!

    Start the weekend by meeting your neighbors and enjoying some Friday Night Vittles! There will be a cash bar with Thom Strauser as your bartender extrordinaire. Come join the fun.

  • Saturday | March 8 | 8:00am-2:00pm

    Throughout Old Northwood

    Please check the residents page for further information.

  • ONW March Cocktail Party

    Saturday | March 29 | 6:00-10:00pm

    See the Resident’s page for information.

  • Sunday, April 6th | 2:00pm
    ONW Clubhouse | 3510 Spruce Ave.

    Do you think your hound has what it takes?

    Awards Include: Best Trick, Best Wag, Best Underbite, Best Ears, Best Costume, Best in Age

    Local Vendors Include: Dog Walker, Dog Trainer, Dog Groomer + more!

    All proceeds go to Peggy Adams.

    Cash Bar + Hot Dogs
    Dress to Impress!

    $10 Entry Fee

    Register with kimberlyRweber@gmail.com

  • ONW April Cocktail Party

    Sunday | April 6 | 5:30-7:30pm

    See the Resident’s page for information.

Congrats …

to the winners of our Old Northwood Chili Cook Off…Judges choice winner—David Griffin, second place—Clem and third place—Sue Firneisz. Peoples Choice winner—Jon Feldman!

Applause for all our contestants. Lots of love & hard work went into making their entries.

Thanks to your generous donations over $1200 was raised for the CA Firefighters! Of course, kudos to Thom Strauser for arranging the collection and slinging drinks behind the bar, as well as his trusty side kick back there Melonie Ann Carroll.

Many thanks to our esteemed judges Elizabeth White, Councilwoman Cat Ward, City of WPB Firemen, and Clyde who not only judged, but without his Master Electrician skills we would have all been eating cold chili.

The Old Northwood Holiday Home Tour
would like to extend a
Giant Thank You to …
all of the attendees (you made it magical),
all of the homeowners who opened their homes
(you made it inviting),
all who sponsored (you made it possible),
all of the food vendors (you made it delicious)
and to all of the volunteers (you made it happen).


Dixie Highway Lane Repurposing Study

The City of West Palm Beach and the TPA are seeking to proceed with the recommendations from the US-1 Multimodal Corridor Study, which included converting the existing 4-lane roadway section to a street with one travel lane in each direction, buffered bicycle lanes, and a center-turn-lane between Quadrille Boulevard and 25th Street on US 1 (Dixie Highway). The proposed lane configuration is intended to increase safety, meet the vision of local stakeholders to better match the land use and character of the community, creating a more comfortable experience for all roadway users and support the City's objective to increase mobility.

Download a project fact sheet HERE.

For further information:


25th Street Improvements Project

The City of West Palm Beach is conducting the 25th Street Improvements Project. The improvements include repurposing the existing four-lane roadway to a three-lane roadway, as well as new bicycle facilities, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades, milling and resurfacing of existing pavement, new six-foot sidewalk on 25th Street, signing/marking upgrades, connectivity to the Australian Avenue and US 1/Broadway Avenue, and minor drainage improvements. The project location is 25th Street, between Australian Avenue and U.S. Highway 1.

Download a project fact sheet HERE.

For further information:


ONW Speaks Up on Homelessness

The Old Northwood Neighborhood Association Steering Committee has written to Mayor Keith James concerning his recent panel discussion on the issue of homelessness in the City of West Palm Beach.
Please take the time to read the letter here.


36th Street from North Australian Avenue to North Flagler Drive Mobility Improvement Project

Project improvements include:

  • Repave 36th Street from North Australian Avenue to North Flagler Drive.

  • New Bike lanes, crosswalks and pedestrian lighting

  • 2 new pedestrian bridges over the Carver Canal

  • New multi-use paths, upgrade sidewalks and curb ramps

Click Here for more information.

Please leash and curb your dogs! There was an incident in July involving an un-leashed dog and a pedestrian walking his dog. The dog-walker barely escaped serious injury. Please, for the safety of all concerned, please leash your dogs! It is the law.

https://library.municode.com/fl/palm_beach_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=PABECOCO_CH4AN_S4-4DOCACO (Sec. 4.4)


Please keep our alleys clear of debris. We are the only neighborhood that the City allows to have sanitation pick-up in our alleyways. Lets keep the alleys clear for our sanitation workers. They’ll appreciate it!


For further information, please sign into the Resident’s Page.

Click on the graphic above to download the Regulatory Analysis report.

For further information:

Get involved with the
Old Northwood Neighborhood Watch!
Further information on the Resident’s Page!

Little Free Library is officially open!

A giant Thank You to Geoff, Celine, River and Reef Adrian from the Love Shack on 35th. Street, who together, built and installed this adorable Little Free Library.

Take a book, leave a book and READ!

Read more about it’s creation on the Resident’s Page!

West Palm Beach Broadway Boulevard Code Updated

This code update project will involve the entire community in an initiative that will focus on helping the boulevard maximize its potential. We are working to update the local development regulations to focus on the form of streets, public spaces, and buildings as the framework for walkable, mixed-use places.

We seek to lay the foundation for an urban corridor that adds vitality to the adjacent Northwood Business District. We will endeavor to preserve the character of adjacent residential properties, and encourage historic preservation of significant structures. We will encourage transit-oriented development with higher densities where appropriate.

At the same time, we are working to ensure that this important part of West Palm Beach continues to be where its residents want it to be.

There will be many opportunities to interact with City staff, CRA staff, and the planning team throughout the process, including in-person at local events. You can find the team’s draft work on this website. The code project is expected to be completed by December 2024.

Request a copy of the draft code by sending an email to broadway@wpb.org

STET Media Coverage (second article down):

Out + About

We are neighbors. We are friends. We are Old Northwood.